Selasa, 04 Juni 2013

Tugas Ke-7 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

NPM  : 25210182
Kelas : 3EB17

3. Make 2 paragraphs which tells about the changes history of Catfish’s statue into the clock which is near from the train station in Bekasi ! 

Perhaps there are some of us who do not know the story of catfish’s statue that used to be famous icon Bekasi city that is located at the intersection near Bekasi station. Catfish’s statue was built in 1955, survived for 7 years and in 2002 the statue was burned. Statue built at the Regent led Moch. Djamhari when it deemed incompatible with the will of the people in forming an icon. Regents felt catfish and lute pieces suitable for two crops that thrived in the city of Bekasi. While people feel less catfish and lute pieces deserve to be icon, catfish is a voracious fish and eating everything and it's cheap. Lute pieces despite being almost every garden in Bekasi there, but it's cheap. So less appropriate when used as sculpture city.  

Several times to protest catapult up to the regent of Bekasi Mayor, when the father Nonon Sonthani, but due to the long bureaucratic process, when after the rally ended April 24, 2002 in Bekasi Sports Stadium, Sri Jaya village head, district Tambun, Mr. Damin Sada with some people who are members of the Association Bekasi Putra Putri Patriot Bekasi (Hipprasi) or community Kinship Bekasi Agency (BKM) Baghasasi, came to the statue of catfish and burn it. Catfish’s statue along with his lute pieces. Despite being grilled catfish and harp fuel burn even swallowed period, catfish’s statue became a memory and a story to the Bekasi. Although now been replaced with a statue of catfish large clock and a large buffer specifically for advertising space, sculptures and pieces of catfish harp made ​​history in the city of Bekasi. Here's a short story about a clock change catfish’s statue in the city of Bekasi. 

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